AJ's Blog

This is a personal blog focused on computer software and hardware. Most projects are implementing software and hardware for a homelab. What is a homelab? I would say a homelab could be a single computer or dozens of computers connected in a network. You can also integrate with computers in the Cloud.

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updated: 2024-12-19 Colima is a tool that allows you to run container runtimes on macOS (and Linux) with minimal setup. If you are not familiar with containers and software such as Docker, check out a previous post to learn more. It uses Lima, a lightweight virtual machine manager, to create and manage VMs that run Docker or containerd. If you have not worked with virtual machines before, I have an introductory post to explain the concept.

2024 New Blog Theme


This blog is managed in a private git repository. Posts are created in markdown format and a program called Hugo takes those files and generates a set of HTML and CSS files necessary to run a website on a web server. Instead of using a Hugo theme made by someone else, I have created my own theme that is more lightweight and I will be able to maintain. Previous theme The previous theme used:

Tools used Jan 2024


Mostly I have written blog posts to show how to get started with certain tools to use in a Homelab. Once I created a post showing off tools to install on a fresh Windows 10 workstation but I have not used Windows as a workstation since changing jobs in 2022. There are certain tools I use on my macOS workstation at my job and most of these are also available to use on my Debian desktop workstations also.



Kanboard is an open source software for managing projects. I am using it to track my homelab tasks and jot down ideas for later. A kanban board is a tool that is used in agile software development. Using a tool like this can help practice for larger scale software projects. Installing and configuring Kanboard with Docker In order to run the Kanboard server, I will be using a container inside of a virtual machine.

State of the homelab, September 2023


In 2023 I have not done much in the homelab because I moved across my country. My plans for the future of the lab include lowering power consumption and simplifying infrastructure. The most notable event this year was the release of Debian 12. The Debian Linux distribution is now the operating system I am using on all of my machines including my laptop. Proxmox continues to be a reliable backbone to my lab.

Vim the ultimate text editor


My preferred text editor is vim because it is portable and highly customizable. Text editors can be used to edit configuration files on a system and write source files for scripts and programs. While you can run vim in a separate window in your operating system, it can also be run within a terminal emulator. You can even find the original version vi on most *nix systems that do not have any graphical interface.