AJ's Blog

This is a personal blog focused on computer software and hardware. Most projects are implementing software and hardware for a homelab. What is a homelab? I would say a homelab could be a single computer or dozens of computers connected in a network. You can also integrate with computers in the Cloud.

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Rancher Desktop


rancher_desktop Rancher Desktop is an open-source project to bring Kubernetes and container management to your workstation. For more information about containers, check out a previous post. Installing Rancher Desktop Rancher Desktop can be installed on Windows, macOS, and various Linux distributions. The most up to date installation packages will be on the official documentation. This application has an auto-update feature once it is installed onto you system. rancher_desktop nerdctl Rancher Desktop can build, push, and pull container images (powered by nerdctl)

Homelab VPN with Wireguard


updated: 2024-02-03 A VPN is a way to create a secure tunnel from a remote network onto your own network. When I am not at home I can still trust my DNS requests and access resources from my personal networks. There are different VPN softwares out there and today I will be setting up WireGuard. wireguard Installing and configuring WireGuard with Docker In order to run the WireGuard server, I will be using a docker container inside of a virtual machine.

Using a Raspberry Pi as a reverse proxy


I will be using another Raspberry Pi to serve as a reverse proxy for my network. With Nginx Proxy manager, I can manage my proxy configurations in a web app. This application is a front end for nginx which is a very popular web server that also works for proxying TCP/IP connections and encrypting traffic. Installing Nginx Proxy Manager I will be managing this software with docker. If you have not worked with docker before, I have a blog post about the basics of docker and installation methods.

Using LXC


LXC is a system container manager. It offers a user experience similar to virtual machines but using Linux containers instead. LXC containers will share the kernel of the host operating system. If you are already using Proxmox, you can create LXC containers on Proxmox nodes and with the web UI. If you would like to set up Proxmox as a platform to host your virtual machines and containers, check out my previous post about installing Proxmox.

Managing containers with Portainer


updated: 2024-02-01 Portainer CE is a web application that you can use to manage containers running on systems that have docker installed. Today we will be deploying Portainer community edition to manage some containers. Portainer runs as a container and you configure it to manage an existing docker installation. Portainer is also compatible with some additional container platforms which I may explore at a later date. portainer_logo Requirements As of this post, Portainer can be deployed on the following:

Docker Containers


updated: 2024-01-13 All these Virtual Machines have gobbled up the RAM and CPU cores on my systems. Now I’m going to take a look at a different way to run software: Docker. docker_logo Docker and containers Docker is an open-source project for automating the deployment of applications into containers. Docker containers can run anywhere, on your laptop/desktop, on a server, or in the cloud. Containers can run natively on Linux and Windows.